Saturday, August 29, 2009

this is for all the single ladies

this is written in light of my viewing of the movie ''he's just not that into you'' and events in my and my friends' lives that have coincided. this is for all the single ladies.

I enjoyed ''he's just not that into you''. While extremely exaggerated, I found it entertaining with a few gems of truth hidden in the rough. And it struck a chord. While I would say that my friends and I are not anywhere near as desperate as the main character and that we don't go looking for guys in bars and online dating sites, we are well acquainted with this position of wondering and asking the question women have been asking for ages, "Does he really like me? And if he does, why doesn't he do something about it?

As any good girlfriend does, you comfort, make excuses, and call the guy a jerk (or at least I do). Now I consider myself a fairly good judge of character when it comes to people and how they interact with each other. I am also aware I am prejudice against relationships for reasons that can be addressed at another time. BUT this makes it all the more impressive when I think a couple can work or that a guy and girl really like each other (excluding myself, I have concluded that in some circumstances I am awful reading others for myself). Needless to say, I am extremely realistic in the matters of the heart, if anything, a pessimist. Especially after seeing the movie, I declare I am not that girlfriend that makes excuses for him and I am not that girlfriend that beats around the bush. I give it to you like it is.
And I am here to say that I have had enough of the stupid games we play with ourselves and with them. I'm trying to learn, understand, and communicate that many times a guy's response, or lack therof, is not personal. They aren't thinking about how many times they should email/text/call you or whether their stories line up or if they were being rude or just plain distracted. I have watched and experienced time and time again interest shown, toyed with, prolonged unnecessarily so, and then finally dropped *sigh of relief*.
BUT GUYS, these are not stupid girls! These are women who are genuinely interested and want to be honest and open about it. They are not looking for the world, just a response! They are not conniving or manipulative and they know you are expressing interest in some facet. (Whether it is because you are genuinely interested or only looking to fill the space, is yet to be determined, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.)
I know it's hard to approach a girl. I know it's hard to be honest and put yourself out there. But we are sick and tired of doing it for you. When is it going to be enough? When do you finally make up your mind that we are worth an honest response, either yes or no? Because for those of you actually worthwhile out there, it doesn't matter how much we do or don't chase after you, let's be honest. It's whether or not you can make up your mind what you actually want. We're not asking that it be us that you choose, we're just asking you to choose, and then have the decency to tell us. Because we know once you choose, you'll see it through, but damn it, you have to choose!

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