Do you ever have those days where you just wander through it? I got on the wrong train this evening because I was in this trance-like state. Once I realized it I had an inner moment of freaking out because obviously I didn't have the right ticket. But still it hardly phased me. Then once I actually got to the station I wanted to get off at, I took a different way home walking which ended up taking forever. It frustrated me some but really I felt like my feet moved of their own accord, going a direction that only they knew where it would lead. Even as I sit and type, my brain and fingers are trying to go a direction that I'm not conscious of.
It's like when you have a craving for something but you can't quite put your finger on it. My unconsciousness, my body, my life is craving something. It is seeking something unbeknownst to my conscious self.
It's like when you have the word on the tip of your tongue or you're trying to remember the name of a song that you just know you know. But this is something bigger than that. It seems there must be some reason for why I wandered so far out of my way. Like the universe is trying to tell me something. Or that it's protecting me from something.
Or when you awake from a dream that was fantastic in detail and color, extremely interesting and positive but you're not quite sure why. You lay in bed trying to recall the face of that person that made it that way or the event that made it so fantastic. It's there but you just can't quite bring it forth. Like the whole world is holding its breath, waiting for me. Waiting for me to do something. Or maybe I'm waiting for it to do something.
While it would be much more reasonable to blow this feeling off and snap out of it, it makes life much more meaningful not to. I could be incredibly frustrated with myself that I got on the wrong train and ultimately it took me an hour and a half to get home when it should've only taken me a half hour. However my brain was working so much the entire time that I really couldn't be. Working but not working. Because my brain is always working and it drives me insane. No this is different. This is actually more like it's listening. Listening to see what comes next.
It is listening because it is so exhausted from trying to figure out what should come next, that it has finally thrown itself down in utter exhaustion. For whatever reason it makes me just want to stare out into space or stare around like I'm trying to remember something. But at least my brain has stopped working so hard.
So whether it's because God is working the cosmos to do something great around me or my brain is just exhausted, instead of looking for answers, I'm just waiting. Which I think is where I should be.
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