someone offered to make a job connection for me in st louis. i looked on his facebook page for the church website and found clicked on it and have spend the last day and a half falling in love with it. its creative. its inner city. its diverse. its simple, young, active. and i have been praying about it for the last day and a half to not rush and just say yes. so i finally went tonight after talking it over with past/future roommates about it to send the friend who made the connection a facebook message to say yes i am most definitely interested. BUT first i thought for some reason, maybe i should check just to make sure that it was the only st louis church on his facebook page and that i would be writing to him about a church that he doesn't know about and he'd think i'm crazy. so i looked.
and i couldn't find it.
i searched through his groups ten times looking for it.
and its not there.
and i found a different church that wasn't there before.
how the heck...?
and the new church on there is a church with a HUGE staff and tons of programs and nothing that i would ever be interested in working for...minus the fact that it is an actual job possibility in an economy that doesn't provide much hope.
needless to say i have absolutely no explanation besides God.
and what does that mean i am supposed to do with it?
I did not google search for this reliant church.
I found it by clicking on a group link on this guy's facebook page and then found the website on its facebook page.
but its not there anymore.
this is clearly not where he works.
this is clearly not where the job offer is.
but the church is wonderful in all that it is doing.
it is real.
and beyond any rationalization that i could ever come up with, God took me to that website.
the reliant church is close to where my roommates were looking for an apartment in st louis.
i told God that if i were going to move to st louis...anywhere for that matter...i'd have to have a community/connections to live in. i was not going to move somewhere blindly with two roommates and expect to stumble into a community. i wanted a guarantee. there it is.
how do i explain it?
God what do you require of me?
Oh my goodness Adel. That is interesting and incredible. I hadn't heard of this before. But I have plenty of friends that go to Christ Memorial which is the church that started it. If the job is at Christ Memorial it might not be that bad, but then again they bought and renovated what is basically an old Target building and ditched their old decent sanctuary, so maybe it would be. Where the reliant church is located is about 10-15 minutes from my house : ) But also not in the greatest neighborhood ever. But who am I to talk, my mom took be driving around these places to find building materials when I was a little kid. Got out of the car and everything and survived. Living in St. Louis too long gives you crazy ideas about neighborhoods that I constantly have to fight. This is interesting whatever happens.