Saturday, September 17, 2011

i was given something incredible this evening--
and may i never forget it.

someone took the absolute worst decisions/circumstances of my short 25 years and painted them in a way i never knew fully possible: with hope. she took my rebellion in finding a man that landed me in a relationship that robbed us both of our souls and showered it with light. a situation i have come to know so well for all its faults, and only caught glimpses of grace. she turned it completely upside down.

she said: God must have someone really incredible for you to have saved you from that relationship. and she said it with such hope in her eyes because she believes it.

she believes that there is someone incredible for me. she believes that i would be married now if there wasn't someone so much better for me. what freedom, what hope that statement contains for a soul so weary with doubt. there is someone and that someone is incredible. may i believe that like i believe i will be provided for in every other way. may i know that truth so deeply within my soul that i stop worrying. i stop wondering. i stop playing out every worst case scenario. may i believe it so i may live. here. now.

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