Wednesday, January 14, 2009

my mission statement

reading 7 habits of highly effective people...i only like the book moderately well b.c it is after all another self-help that claims to have all the answers to solve life's problems. anyways we're supposed to write a life mission statement. this is what i came up with--

A Life of Paradox and Tension
Holding these sometimes seemingly contradictory principles in tension with each other, neither denying one and following only the other nor sitting on the fence and committing to either, not denying the struggle and the pull by settling for one solution but rejoicing in the struggle and continually learning from it.

change + stability
evaluate/analyze/reflection + no regrets
discipline + free spirit
simplicity + complexity
conformity + rebellion
extrovert + introvert
grounded + dreamer
realizing the great good and potential + love each other individual and
of every situation and person situation just as they are
belief in absolute Truth + willing to question and try new ideas/concepts
serving/loving other in Christ saying yes+being true to myself & loving myself (saying no)
making the most of every opportunity + resting and remaining in Christ
taking others into consideration/realizing how i affect people + not caring what others think
in the world, caring about social, political + not of the world, a life set apart by Spirit
global issues, being educated/informed more than by action philosophy or even /involved with the community, attitude
being with ALL kinds of people liberal universal
define myself by nothing/no one but Christ and His Word + willing to take in others opinions, view points absorb them in myself learn from them,
as well as the experiences i have in life

gotta thank dr e for the whole concept of paradox/ dear lutherans :)

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