well it is good to know that while everything around me is constantly changing, i do not.
i still procrastinate and find great enjoyment in putting off writing something until i can't find anything else possible to do with my time. even though i am looking forward to writing it.
hence why i'm writing this instead of writing my cover letter for an application for an internship in chicago due on friday. i mean it is only tuesday night..but i do have to get my dad and at least one other person to proofread it all. i've been fudging around with my resume for at least 3 hrs.
have to make it look absolutely perfect. you can't apply for an artistic job with graphic design on your resume and have it look in any way awkward. BUT i did want to add just the smallest hint of flair b.c again with graphic design on your resume you have to push the envelope somehow otherwise what good are you at your job? so it took me awhile to say the least
but i did develop this elongated scribble that when upright looks like an abstracted graceful female figure. i may have possibly found the scribble i've been looking for.
my life is complete.
i have nothing else to live for.
except being dramatic :)
who knew?
Part of the reason why it is now midnight and i am just beginning my cover letter even though i've been sitting here at the computer off and on since 6.30 pm is because i just had an incredible conversation with a woman in her 50s who is volunteering her time here at camp to paint for the week that lasted 2 hrs. you know how some things are just meant to be? this conversation was chock full of reasons why it was absolutely meant to be. God is good.
and the light just turned off on me....stupid energy saving timers...i hate the dark
i know i'm not going to be able to focus on this cover letter until i get all the thoughts that she provoked out of my head.
we talked about china. we talked about my parents moving. we talked about love. we talked about life. things i haven't talked about in ages....if ever.
she acknowledged that my parents moving, summer ending, graduating from college, moving to camp, and having coming back from china all occurring in and around the same time must have been extremely difficult. like really acknowledged it.
didn't give me lip service. didn't expect me to cry. didn't look at me with pity. didn't try to fix me. just said yes.
she acknowledged that emotions affect you physically...especially if you don't deal with them.
she recognized and shared how it was doing so in her life at the very moment.
i'm not some freak. sure counseling would be great, but all i really need is an honest conversation with someone a little bit smarter than me every once in awhile. and maybe not even smarter...someone more willing to be honest, more willing to be real with me than i am necessarily. someone willing to draw me out...not because of anything that he or she needs from me but just because God nudged her a little bit to do so. my soul longs. my soul thirsts for real honest people who don't play games.
i am so sick of the games.
its fine if you play politics in the government.
its not cool when you play them at a christian camp.
and its downright frustrating when you feel like you have to play them with roommates.
i hate it. i'm absolutely disgusted with it. i'm done with it.
and i'm praying God gives me the strength to get out of it.
so random tangent.
she asked about my life. she acknowledged that there are things that i have learned that are rare for someone my age to know. and she didn't make me feel bad for it. and she told me to share what i know.
God how do i share what i know when it makes those around me jealous?
and the encouragement was so strong. i think she has a better picture of who i am than anyone here at camp except Dorie and Nikki and maybe Denise. and she only talked to me for 2 hrs.
why? why am i here?
why the hell am i here?
i suffer in quiet desperation.
i'm learning so much but really why?
i'm learning so much but what is it worth if people don't understand me?
quiet desperation.
so quiet.
she talked about her marriage and how she's become emotionally estranged from her husband. built up a wall of resentment for putting her out on a limb all these years...allowing the bitterness to eat away at her heart and destroy them both...and their children. God that was so good for me to here. it happens. it is my parents. and yet she still longs for that soulmate, that person who is her absolute best friend and understands her better than she understands herself. who knew? who knew that it could be so real even to someone who's never had it and been married for years. and you know what destroys it? lack of communication. not knowing who you are. God if there is one thing that this year has taught, it is that i long with absolute desperation to never have such a relationship with my husband. i cannot live like this for the rest of my life. i have made horrible mistakes with sarah and i don't know how to undo them. i don't know if they are undoable. i don't know if its me or her. only time will tell. but we have time for space. we are granted such a luxury. a marriage is not. dear God I pray that I never reach the point that i've reached with sarah with my husband. please. i ask for nothing else in life but that. the world can all fall apart. we can be desperately poor, desperately ill, with absolutely nothing and no purpose. i would give up money success career fulfillment even my art to know that i never reach the point where i spend years...YEARS emotionally estranged from my husband. God you don't have to save me from much suffering in life but for all i've already been through...please. please. please.
let this be one thing that you do keep me from.
i beg of You nothing else.
with all that said/prayed (and it will become unceasing)
love does exist.
a person who knows my soul just as well as i know myself and vice versa does exist.
and i will cling to the faith that if God does marry me to someone, it will be such a person.
i said it 2.5 years ago when i made the life changing decision to be single and i say it now
i'd rather be single for the rest of my life than experience anything less.
i cling to the belief that i am made for more.
you shouldn't think what you're feeling
i love how you are you and make me think about things. and make me not make sense but thats ok. lol.
ReplyDeletehaha i love that you love me for that :)
ReplyDeleteand my whole thought process basically justifies you wanting to move to st louis for that 'one reason' yes?