see i've got this stubborn streak in me
this indignation that springs up
sometimes i think it's a personal vendetta upon some people
let's be honest, sometimes it is.
other times it's just in response to someone's attempt to make me what i'm not.
how i can't stand that.
it calls up a frustration that runs deep.
and then there's lies.
blatant lies.
there's a difference between growth and conformity.
between truth and projection.
conflict and aggression.
i seek the growth that truth brings and recognize it often means conflict especially in myself and possibly in others. I welcome that kind of conflict.
i also fully acknowledge that i have a tendency to run away from messy conflict, frustration, aggression, etc. but you can sure as hell bet, i'm not going to stand up for something that i don't agree with.
so don't tell me i should.
when did sharing the gospel become a crusade of rights?
to be fighting for truth is to dismantle the lies we all believe about ourselves, about God, about life.
i fight on the ground. in people's lives.
you can fight your crusade of rights.
don't mind me if i choose not to.